Reading erotic stories as a substitute for watching porn. An outdated hobby or a modern kind of erotica?

Perhaps some of you wondered why someone would rather read erotic stories than watch porn. It’s just a matter of taste, and the end goal may be different. One way or another, everyone probably already knows about the dangers of watching porn thanks to modern works and research by scientists. But reading is not exactly porn. So what is reading erotic stories: a new kind of mainstream porn or a relic of the past?

Erotic stories: this could be your first step in an important conversation with a partner

Reading as well as watching porn is also individual for everyone, for example someone likes to read interracial sexstories. Of the total number of topics, cuckold and interracial erotic stories have a certain peculiarity at first glance.

Many people who fantasize about cuckolding don’t know how to take the first step of talking to a partner. According to numerous studies, the main readers of erotic novels, stories and fanfiction are women.

For you,men, who have a cuckold fetish, this is a little tip on how to start preparing your wife to talk about this fetish from afar. Just throw her some interracial cuckold and hotwife stories. For you, this will be a small initial step.

Women can do the same if you have long dreamed of interracial hotwifing, but are afraid to admit it to your husband.

Therefore, sexstories seem to kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Help you relax and enjoy. It all depends on the purpose for which you sat down to read.
  2. Help you discreetly share your secret desires and sexual preferences with your partner.

 Erotic stories: truth and fiction

Of course, each of us has heard about the dangers of porn. Therefore, softer types of this genre are now appearing, such as hentai, erotica, and audio porn. Erotic novels have been around for a long time after all. But not everyone has time to read novels in book or electronic form.

Therefore, erotic sexstories benefit in many ways. Especially if you know which genre appeals to you the most. Some people are drawn to true stories. And you will find many of them on this site. All of them deal with the topics of interracial sex, cuckold, hotwife.

The undoubted beauty of sexstories is that among them, you can find both a perfectly written fictional story with an artistic line, and a true story describing someone’s real experience.

In addition, ecotic stories can help someone speak out, share their own experience. Tell what excites you, arouses and makes your brain think more erotically. What about new ideas? In sexstories, you will find a lot of tips for experiments to please your partner.

Each reader will find for himself what appeals the most. And sooner or later, ecotic stories will help not only to relax, diversify your sex life, but it is also possible to share something intimate with your partner.

Most importantly, do not let sexstories negatively affect your life and relationships with a partner hiding something important from him. Read erotic stories together, discuss them, because the dialogue in a couple is as important as the sex life.